W : You are very broad minded.
O : You are an awesome kisser.
O : You are an awesome kisser.
N : You like to drink.
X : You never let people tell you what to do.
I : You are great in bed.
A: You like to drink.
O : You are an awesome kisser.
R : You are f***ing crazy.
U : You really like to chill.
I : You are great in bed.
A: You like to drink.
B : You like people.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to drink.
E : You are a damn good kisser.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and looks.
I : You are great in bed.
J : People Adore you.
K : You're wild and crazy.
L: Everyone loves you.
M : You are great in bed.
N : You like to drink.
O : You are an awesome kisser.
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : You are f***ing crazy.
S : You are easy to fall in love with.
T : You're loyal to those you love.
U : You really like to chill.
V : You are not judgmental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You never let people tell you what to do.
Y : Best g/f b/f anyone could ever ask for.
Z : Always ready
Ignore the "You are an awesome kisser" and "You are great in bed" ones. And it's really true. xD
I'm f***king CRAZAH!!!!
And I love to drink too. Wine is awesome. You know that? Hehe..
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Dah meaning of "Woon Xiao Rui".
Written by the one and only almighty ingenius
Xiao Rui
10:46 PM
comments woi.
Labels: me
Saturday, March 21, 2009
001. Real Name: Woon Xiao Rui
002. Nickname(s): SM Queen, SM, Xiao Rui Rui, Red assed baboon..
003. Age: 15 and growing.
004. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
005. Male or Female: Female
006. Elementary: SJK(C) Yuk Chai, SJK(C) Balakong, SJK(C) Sungai Chua.
007. Middle School: Tsun Jin High School
008. High School: Tsun Jin Rocksor School.
009. College School: Unknown.. yet.
010. Hair colour: Black.
011. Long or Short: Short.
012. Loud or Quiet: Erm.. Mostly loud.. I'll stick with loud. ><
013. Sweats or Jeans: I'll prefer jeans.. But sweats are more comfortable.. Gahh.
014. Phone or Camera: Phone. Cause it has a camera. HAH!
015. Health Freak: Not really.
016. Drink or Smoke: Drink. Wine is awesome.
017. Do you have a crush on someone: I have no idea. Nope. No. Not at all.
018. Eat or Drink: EAT!
019. Piercings: Dua.
020. Tattoos: Not now. But the future is unpredictable.. xD
021. Social or Anti-Social: Social, DUH.
022. First Piercing: Erm.. No idea. Don't remember.
023. First Relationship: NADA. Whoot~
024. First Best Friend: Dunno.. Ahh.. I know. Jamie. =]
025. First Award: Primary school. Dunno what age. xD
026. First Kiss: Just when I was born. Mommy kissed me. Hahah.
027. First Pet: Tuffie and Sydney. Dogs. Then mom gave them away. >8C
028. First Big Vacation: 7. Hong Kong with relatives.
029. First Love at first sight: -.- Don't know. Don't care.
030. First Big Birthday: Hmm.. I really don't recall.. Hahah.
049. Eating: Finished my half boiled egg. ><
050. Drink: Nada.
051. Excitement Level: 90%. ANIME CONVENTION!~
052. I'm about to: Continue this tag. -.-
053. Listening to: People talking in da TV.
054. Plan for today: After finish com. Sleep.
055. Waiting for: Tomorrow. As I said, ANIME CONVENTION!~
056. Energy Level: 50%. Half half lar..
057. Thinking of someone: Nope.
058. Want kids?: HAHAHAHAH. Very funny.
059. Want to get married?: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH. Lagi cham.
060. Careers in mind?: Hair stylist. xD Dunno why, suddenly wanna be one.
Which is better in the boy/girl you like
068. Lips or Eyes?: Uhh.. Eyes.
069. Romantic or Funny?: Funny.
070. Shorter or Taller?: Taller?
071. Protective or Caring?: Caring.
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Spontaneous.
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: HUH. What sort of question is this.... Arms? Dunno..
074. Sensitive or Loud?: Sensitive, I guess. Cause I'm too loud.
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationship, DUH.
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: Eh.. Wth.. Trouble maker is better than hesitant I guess..
Have You ever
080. Lost glasses or contacts: Never lost. Sat on them, I did. xD
081. Ran away from home: Noooooo..
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: Yeah. Butter knife. Hahah.
083. Killed somebody: How I wish. -.-
084. Broken someone's heart: GAHHH.. I hope not. Perhaps I did. T.T
085. Been arrested: Whoo~ That'll be fun.
087. Cried when someone died: Well, DUH.
Do you believe in
089. Yourself: Of course. :P
090. Miracles: Perhaps.
091. Love at first sight: Kiinda...
092. Heaven: Hahaha. No idea.
093. Santa Claus: WHOOO~~~ YES YES YES.
094. Tooth Fairy: Yeah yeah yeah. :DD
095. Kiss in the first date: No no no no. Nope.
097. Is there someone you would want to be with right now?: Hell, yeah.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now?: NO. Screw exams.
099. Do you believe in God? : Hahaha. Maybe yes, maybe no. Let Anne answer this. xD
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10people: Me no wanna post as 100 truths. :P I tag: Lisa, Anne, Fefi, E Hong, and so on.
Written by the one and only almighty ingenius
Xiao Rui
11:39 PM
comments woi.
Labels: Tag
Camp + lack of sleep
Camp was great. Learned a whole bloody lot of things. =]
And I also found out that 殷哲 is really bloody awesome. Gahh. [==]
He says that me and 俐璇 are the future of 二胡组.
Screw him. Hehe.
祖钊 is such an ass. But he has an awesome phone. @.@
淑慧's a big fat pig. xD
She wakes up in the morning and says: "I'm hungry."
She can have a huge supper and after 10 minutes, "I'm hungry."
*rolls eyes*
颖慧 is so awesome. Love her~~
慧盈 is so cute! Haha.
鸿昌 is actually very nice. Haha.
He's kinda annoying, but still..
I really liked the him when he was talking about his childhood days. :)
And when he scolds us 蕃薯. Hahaha.
Sigh.. Camp is just so awesome.
I love Chinese Orchestra!~
I went to Lisa's house after camp.
I was dragging my luggage allll the way. ><
Watched 1 Litre of Tears from 10pm to 6am.
How awesome is that? xD
The bloody VCD is not original. Screw you, shop. >8C
We killed Anne in Sims. Hahaha.
And we had a really hot nasi lemak. LOL.
But still yummmm..
I love this holiday. How time flies.
I haven't touched my homework tim.. Sigh.
Written by the one and only almighty ingenius
Xiao Rui
2:55 PM
comments woi.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
HEY. Anne. Remember you bought The Other Book and I bought Shamanka?
I finished Shamanka!!!! It is totally awesome. Totally unpredictable. Trust me. This is waaay better than Twilight series in a lot of ways. [No offense, Lisa.]
Hurry and finish The Other Book! Then we can exchange. NyaHAhaHa.
Written by the one and only almighty ingenius
Xiao Rui
4:55 PM
comments woi.
Labels: Books
Friday, March 13, 2009
1. Those who got tagged must answer the question about themselves.
2. At the end of the post, tag 5 people except the person who tagged you (tagger).
3. Continue this game by sending to other people. (refer to rule No. 2)
Time: 9:43pm
Name: Woon Xiao Rui
Age/ Birthday: 25th of October
Longest fingernail ever kept: Erm... I bite my nails.. xD
Wanted birthday present: Big teddy bear and a straight A report card belonging to me.
Favourite liquids [drinks]: Juice. All kinds. My dad's special blend. =]
Favourite consumable [food]: Anything.
Favourite place to sleep: My comfy bed.
Flying: Airplane. >.<
Swimming/ Diving: Hmm.. Long time didin't swim liao.. Kinda scared of waters..
How much friends in MSN: Me no count.
Couple: Single! xD Unless you count Lisa as my life partner. OTAKU!!
Loved ones: Family, friends, animals, the world. The World is just awesome.
Get kick on the butt: Nope. Nobody dares. I'm SM Queen. Haha.
Allergic: Bitches, Bastards, High-Cap Society members, La-la members.
Gastric: Rare. Mostly when I really am starving..
Whole fortune: Ha-ha. Good question.. I actually have no idea.. Hmm..
Age of marriage: Die lar. I'm never getting married. Unless to KAT-TUN or Yamap or Toma. xD
Number of children wanted: Uh.. See question above?
Age of death: Hmmm.. 80? I wanna live long but not too long..
Animals in house: Dogs, insects, pests. Monkeys, a cow, and another huge dog. >.<
Favourite color: Guess. RED!
Maxis, Digi, Celcom: Maxis.
Paper or plastic bags: Paper. Or air-made bags. [If they invent one.] Reusable, recycable. Save the world!
Genting or hotel: Erm.. Where's the difference? Genting, I guess.. Long time didn't go there..
Most quiet person you've ever met: Yong Le. No kidding. I can never live like that.
Most talkative person you've ever met: Me. Anne. Lisa. Kuan Yung. xD
I tag: i) Lisa
ii) Anne
iii) Fefi [She's back!!!!]
Written by the one and only almighty ingenius
Xiao Rui
10:14 PM
comments woi.
Labels: Tag
Speaking of exams...
Written by the one and only almighty ingenius
Xiao Rui
8:29 PM
comments woi.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
*drum roll*
Woohoo~ Exam's over~ Lalala~ No more stress~~ NyahAhaHahHA!
Today went Times Square with Lisa, Yi Jun, Chai Sun, Fish and Jia Hui.
Half way through, we split up. Me, Lisa and Yee Kuan went bowling, and the other three went to Sungai Wang to "gap zai". -.-
We went bowling and there were technical problems. Gawd. This always happens to me. T.T
Anyway, after a long game of bowling, we went to the anime model shops!! WHOOT~~ And you should guess, me and Lisa went on otaku mode. Yi Jun was like, -.- .
Okays, so we went scavanging around the first 2 shops. Going crazy like maniacs. Wee~
Then we got to the third shop. Guess what we saw? "Egg Dispensers"!! xD
It's like, SOOO AWESOME. They had Mario. MARIO, for God's sake. OMG. Then most certainly, they had Keroro!!! NyahAHH. And One Piece. Weee~~
I'm so gonna go back there. >.<
Then, then, then, me and Lisa said that holiday time, we go find a job, and then save up money. Then we'll buy the Keroro set or Gundam set that costs a BOMB. NyahAHHAH.
Me so happy~~~
Written by the one and only almighty ingenius
Xiao Rui
7:59 PM
comments woi.