Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I am.. a Devil?

I found out how I feel today.
Could I possibly live on with this feeling?
Only time can tell..


He cut his hair today.
His front hair was cut wavy.
He looked really cute that way.
I noticed him looking at me today.
Maybe,  just maybe, could he possibly feel the same way for me?


Today is an exam day.
He wore a silver green jacket during the exam.
He looked so cute.
How can I possibly stop staring?


Love formula:
Me+ Him= 0%
I want to know everything about him.
And I want him to feel the same way as I do to him.
However, it seems impossible.
I'll never know how he feels..
I feel dumb. Lost. Useless.
That's it. I gave up.
I did what I want, when I want.
I am evil...
I am a.. Devil...


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