Monday, February 4, 2008

Work, Work, Work And Work.

Oh my God. I was so tired today that once I got home, I immediately dropped on the floor and fell asleep!

So tired.. School is really killing me. Thank God it's holiday after tomorrow!! Ahh...
So happy..

The amount of time I go to school is more than the people who work (Me, of course). I don't have time for myself! Every time I go online, it's either checking mail or those important stuff. I feel so tired.
On top of that, my choir is going to have a concert on August. And my choir teacher is getting very serious and strict now. And the amount of work I have to do has increased by ten times!

Good Lord, how come studying has to be so damn stressful? Studying is supposed to be fun right? But now it's just plain work, work, work and work. Aih..

Sometimes I just don't know what to do anymore.

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