Monday, August 25, 2008


心中的一大块不见了.. 去了哪?

想念.. 回忆.. 还在。

朋友.. 欢笑.. 失踪了。

陪着我近入梦乡的眼泪.. 回来了。

忙碌的星期六.. 不在了。

空虚.. 失去了你们。

期待.. 等着你们的到来。

Sunday, August 24, 2008



感谢所有Explore, Discovery以及青草地的同伴们一起为这场演出付出。


非常谢谢欣霓FeliciaNatalie, 家阳伟贤Yee Hong缘慧家豪Ye Woon, 静颖JamesBoon ChenStephen,还有那些小瓜们... 谢谢你们一直以来辅助着我,帮助我,陪伴我。在我伤心时逗我笑,在我失落时让我开心起来,在我哭时安慰我。还有,在我太吵时提醒我安静下来。=]



“我真的真的很爱你们! 不知道改天还有没有机会见面,但我会永远记住我们建立起来的友情!我们一起经历过的事情,我是永远不会忘记的!有你们的存在,是我人生中最愉快,最幸运的事!朋友们,我永远爱你们!”



Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Still tired.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Me as I am now...

Now, imagine me.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Whoop de doo!!

Guess what? I'm gonna watch Wall-E today at 1:30pm, which is 2 and a half hours away!!!


Friday, August 15, 2008


LEE CHONG WEI WON!!!! Lee Chong Wei won!!! Lee Chong Wei WON~~~~~~~~~~~

Whoop de doo!!!!!!

He rockxors my boxors ~


Monday, August 11, 2008


[Warning: Usage of "freaky" may appear for quite a number of times.]

It's kinda freaky.

Lets say A met B somewhere, B doesn't know who A is, but they have met before. Now, when A asks a friend, C, about B's age and stuff, and asks for C to help A chat up with B, is it freaky? Now imagine if you were B, is that kinda freaky??

And when C is your very good friend, and tells you bout it, shows you the message, how would you react??

Brrr... Freakin' freaky..

Saturday, August 9, 2008


I'm breaking down. I can't continue.. 2 of my friends who promised to go ended up not going..
What the hell am I supposed to do?

I have to reach my bloody "10 tickets" target today. But I'm obviously doomed..

I feel like crying now. The bubble that has been filling up with sorrow and stress is not going to be able to hold on much longer..
My flood gate's opening, my tears are welling up, my heart is breaking, and I'm dying inside of me.

I'm drowning in stress.. They just don't understand!! How can we sell when the price is so bloody high??! They don't know the limit of what a high school student can do! Even my relatives won't even go! Just because of the bloody price!

I'm crying..


Damn it.
Why the hell did I make that impossible promise?


Wednesday, August 6, 2008



I'm dead. What have I done?! She is so gonna kill me.. That evil Witch of the Waste..



I'm DOOMED....

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tagged By Lisa

So, here's how it works:

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)

2. Put it on shuffle

3. Press play

4. For every question, type the song that's playing

5. When you go to a new question, press the next button

6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool... and a lot of the songs fit with the settings

Opening Credits:

Hannah Montana - The Best Of Both Worlds [Okay. Not that bad. Intro to my world?]

Waking Up:

The Wing - 寻翼 [My choir song. Kinda fits though. Waking up, finding my goal in life. :D ]

First Day At School:

Infiniti - 无限的故事 [Also my choir song. XD True. The first day of school is indeed filled with endless stories and happenings. ]

Falling In Love:

张绍涵 - 不想懂得 [Erm.. What if I want to know? ]

Fight Song:

周杰伦 - 青花瓷 [Haha. This is way too elegent to be my fight song. XD ]

Breaking Up:

施文斌 - 忘不了 [ Jackpot! ]

Prom Night:

张绍涵 - 我恋爱了 [Hehe. Who knows? ]


Hilary Duff - A Love Divine [ My life doesn't really revolve all around love.. ]

Mental Breakdown:

Mariah Carey - Always Be My Baby [ Huh? Unless he's there with me when I'm having my mental breakdown. :P ]


Unknown - 肥婆只鸡 [ Hahaha!!! Maybe I'm crazy when I'm driving?? XD ]


周杰伦 - 蒲公英的约定 [ Oh My God!! Fits 100%%%!!!! ]

Getting Back Together:

孙燕姿 - 逆光 [ Huh? Maybe I'm not really happy with myself when we get back together? Dunno.. ]


Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You [ Wow.. According to the lyrics or the title? :P ]

Birth Of Child:

金莎 - 不可思议 [ Haha! The baby is unbelievably cute.. or ugly?! ]

Final Battle:

飞轮海 - 出神入化 [ Thank you very much!! Wakaka.. ]

Funeral Song:

孙燕姿 - 遇见 [ I met the Death Reaper on my funeral day. >.< ]

Final Credits:

曹格&卓文萱 - 梁山伯与朱丽叶 [ - -? Happy ending? ]