Thursday, October 16, 2008


You see, there are a lot of types of seafood in the whole w-i-d-e world. There's prawn, crab, fish, and so on and so forth..

But, I looove the La La the most. [No idea what's it called in English.. >.<] It is so bloody yummy.. Yumm.. Yumm..

HOWEVER, there seems to be a new species that's seriously contaminating the name of "La La". This species is able to be found most likely in High Schools. Take my school for instance, Tsun Jin High School, has.. what? A population of 1/4 out of females? I dunno.. Anyways, this species tend to act all cute and girlish. Along with fur that is straight along the forehead or layered all over. I have also discovered that this species tend to walk in groups, as seen in my research grounds, aka [School].

I may very well post a picture of the mentioned species. But I wonder if it's okay to post up somebody from my school.. Oh well, who cares?

[No offense intended.]

This is an example of the newly found "La La" species. Some of you may have seen this particular "La La". However, this isn't a very good example of "La La". As she isn't a fully transformed "La La".

You see, this species' pictures are kinda hard to find. Therefore, I gave up searching after awhile. If anybody may be as kind to contribute some to me. I'll be delighted.

So after all the long talk, I was just trying to say.

I hate them.

Thank you.

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