Wednesday, January 6, 2010

These days..

S1C6 is pretty awesome. >.<

Though they are different in a lot of points than J3E, but it's something new, right? =]

One the first day of school, we were all like, ".................". Absolutely no sound at all.

Then second day, "BOOM! BANG! WOOHOO~!!!!" Hahahah.

Awesome. And we're all so comfortable with each other already. Weee~~


I lost my scissors today. -.- Freak. I always lose my scissors. ==

So pissed now.

If I ever find it back or actually get a new one, I'm never in my life gonna borrow it to anyone ever again. So never ever in your friggin life ask me for scissors. Or I'll slit your throat like the barber of Fleet Street.


Very very tired now. Have been tired for these 3 days. No kidding.

I've never ever been this tired at the start of school. ;A;


When somebody who's always fooling around and saying stupid things becomes serious and attentive to something, the level of attractiveness in that person becomes higher than any other person may be.


I've found that person.

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