I just got back from Cosmo's World, Time Square. I went with my cousin who lives in Singapore. It was fun, like usual. But it was also kind of boring. Cause my school is near Time Square so my friends and I went there for like a thousand times already.
That trip also cost me a bomb! My mom gave me RM100 for the entrance fee and an addition of RM30 for our usage. Only my cousin and I were going in, so it cost RM70 for the entrance fee. Which leaves me with RM60. You would say that it's more than enough, but when we got out, I only had RM16 with me!! Okay, I'll give you the rough explanation: (It's not exactly the same as the original, but I'll try.)
Lunch: RM26.__*
Lot's Of Other Stuff That My Cousin Wanted To Eat:RM18.__
(Exp: Candy Floss, Ice-Cream, etc)
Total: RM114
*Means: Not sure about the amount.
And that means I have RM16 left.
The Moral Of The Story Is: Don't go to amusement/theme parks too often, or you might soon become broke.
Ask your elder sis teach you some good money management la.. adui... lousy girl