Sunday, January 13, 2008

A New Camera!!

So Happy!!

I just "inherited" a camera from my relative who had unfortunately passed away for quite sometime now.
The camera's the type of camera that I have always wanted- the type that's used by professionals with super awesome high quality zoom and focus. I just love it!

It's equipped with extra parts which can change the zoom and focus of the camera. And the best thing about it that I simply love is- the size. I like big cameras, it gives me the feel of the olden days. :D I love turning the thing that controls the zoom and focus of the camera (don't know what it's called. :P ). It makes me feel professional. >.<
(Pst, not to mention, it uses film too. So I would need a huge supply of films. >.< )

I remember I did mention of my love for photography in my post of "Another One Of Those Introductions", right?
So that's why I like it so much.

I don't like the small and slim cameras at all. Even though it may look cool, it's not what I pictured cameras to be.

I'm lovin' it!

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